The desire to be boxed, bagged and buried is a great turn on for many. “Buried or burial whilst still alive is a nightmare to some but a joy or fetish to others. I noted in my previous blog that when I first read about this paraphilia I had major doubts about it’s existence until I came across groups such as the Six Feet Under Club and the Buried Stories website. Anil Aggrawal in his book Forensic and Medico-legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes and Unusual Sexual Practices defines taphephilia as deriving sexual pleasure and arousal from being buried alive. Such fetishes appear to be a sub-type of taphephilia (that I also examined in a previous blog on claustrophilia ). I used the opening quote in a previous blog on ‘ stuck fetishism’ but is just as appropriate in the context of this article on quicksand fetishes. Often girls find themselves in perilous or humiliating situations like being in danger of sinking under quicksand or unable to stop the advances of a horny teenager after having stepped into superglue” ( Weird and Sexy website).

“ is a natural or unexpected form of bondage where girls step into cement, wander into spider webs or sink into quicksand.